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Versutia Amoris [20]


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Versutia Amoris.translation
Iilus. Luc. 11.
O Anima si ex præcedēti meditatione fructum
acquisitum conseruare & augere desideras,
munito oculos & aures, per illa enim ingrediūtur
omnia tela malitiæ. Lucerna corporis tui est ocu-
lus tuus, si autem oculus tuus simplex fuerit, to-
tum corpus tuum lucidum erit; si autem nequam
fuerit totum etiam corpus tenebrosum erit: cohi-
be igitur oculum, cum enim non attenderis cir-
cumuoluitur; & vide, ne lumen quod in te est, te-
nebræ sint.translation

Qui modo liber erat, victis leo seruit ocellis:
Quisquis es, à victo lumine, victus eris.
Credite peccati sunt lumina nostra fenestræ,
Hâc & auarities. & leuis intrat Amor.
Pande fores, subit hostis, & omnia cede cruentat:
Pande oculos, satanas cordis in arce furit.
Cura sit, ô, teneri tibi ne capiantur ocelli,
Ni seruum vitijs subdere pectus ames. translation

Lumina qui potuit vincere, victor abit. translation

Amour se fairat bien tost maistre,
S'il peut gaigner vne fenestre.

Ruse de l'Amour.
Qui diroit que l'Amour, permit à son courage?
Se battant corps à corps, prendre tant d'auantage,
Amour le plus vaillant, le plus puissant des Dieux?
Cest qu' aux duels d'Amour, vaut la supercherie,
Soit fraude, soit valeur, Amour ne s'en soucie,
Il est vainqueur sil peut, auoir gaigné les yeux.

En ganando Amor los ojos
Es señor del coraçon,
Aunque sea de vn leon.

Die het ghesicht slechs winnen can/
Die wort haest meester vanden man.

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The craftiness of love.
O soul, if you wish to preserve the benefit taken from the preceding meditation, and to increase it, wall up your eyes and ears, for by way of those all the weapons of wickedness come in.
Your eye is the lamp of your body; now if your eye is simple, your whole body will bathe in light; if on the other hand it is wicked, also your whole body will be in darkness.

The lion who once was free serves the conquered eyes.
Whoever you are, you will be conquered by the conquered light.
Believe me, our eyes are the windows for sin.
Along this way also greed, and love enter.
Open the doors, the enemy advances and bloodies all with carnage.
Open your eyes, Satan rages in the citadel of your heart.
Take heed, friend, that your tender eyes are not taken in,
If you do not like to make your heart a slave to vice.

Who manages to conquer the eyes, comes out victorious.

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