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Assiduitas Amoris [27]


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Assiduitas Amoris.translation
Quo fugis? ah demens! nulla est fuga, tu licet vsque
Ad Tanaim fugias, vsque sequetur Amor.
Non si Pegaseo vecteris in aëra dorso,
Nec tibi Persei mouerit ala pedes.
Vel si te sectæ rapiant talaribus auræ,
Nil tibi Mercuri proderit alta via:
Instat semper Amor, supra caput, instat amanti,
Et grauis ipse super libera colla sedet.
Excubat ille acer custos, & tollere numquam
Te patietur humo lumina capta semel. translation

AVdi Senecam; nec peregrinatione longâ, nec
locorum varietatibus, Amorem; aut tristitiam
mentis, grauitatemqueue discuties: animum debes
mutare non cœlum. licet enim vastum traieceris
mare, sequentur te, quocumque perueneris, vitia.
quid miraris, nihil tibi peregrinationes, nihil fu-
gam prodesse, cum te circumferas? motu ipso no-
ces; ægrum enim concutis.translation

Non animum, fugiens cœlum modo mutat Amator:
Quo fugis? heu tecum, dum fugis, ibit Amor. translation

Fugiendo, non effugit. translation

Las! que sert il prendre la fuitte! Puis que l'Amour est a ta suitte.

Assiduitéde l'Amour.
Pour eschapper l'Amour que sert il courir víte?
Ses traits, ses feux, ses dards persone les euite:
Touts les temps, touts les lieux, viueut soubs ceste loy,
Que qui vit sans Amour, il vit comme vne beste.
Arreste doncq le cours, ame volage, arreste,
Car esloigner l'Amour, cest s'esloigner de soy.

De que te sirue el huyr?
Pues que à tu proprio enemigo
Le lleuas alma con tigo.

'T en baet geē vluchten hier oft daer/
Als liefd' u poocht te volghen naer.

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Love goes on and on.
Where are you fleeing to, you madman! You cannot get away anywhere: although you1
Run off as far as Tanais, Love will follow you just as far as that.
Not if you ride on Pegasus' back in the air2,
Nor if the wing of Perseus moves your feet3,
Or if the severed winds rush you off on winged sandals,
Mercurius' high road will be no good to you.
Always Love looms above your head, it looms over the lover,
And with all its weight it sits on top of the neck that was free.
He holds watch sharply and will never let you
Raise your eyes from the ground, once they have been caught.

Listen to Seneca's words: neither by travelling far and wide, nor by change of place you will force away love, or sadness of mind and matters that weigh you down. You ought to have a change of mind, not of climate. For even if you cross the vast sea, your vices will follow you, at whatever place you arrive. Why are you surprised that foreign travel, and flight are no good when you move yourself from here to there? You harm by the moving itself. For you are bashing around a sick individual.
By fleeing the lover does not change his heart, only where he lives. Where are you fleeing to? Woe, all the time you run away, Love will go with you.
By fleeing he does not escape.

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    Sources and parallels

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    Love and a girl are riding a running stag
    • hoofed animals: stag (+ running animal) [25F24(STAG)(+5212)] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • forest, wood [25H15] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • adolescent, young woman, maiden [31D13] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • flight, running away; pursuing [33B9] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • riding on animal other than horse, ass, or mule (+ two persons ~ traffic and transport) [46C132(+22)] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • Necessity, Inevitability; 'Necessité' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept) [51C2(+4)] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings) [56F2(+1331)] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept) [56F2(+4)] Search for this Iconclass notation
    • proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT) [86(ASSIDUITAS AMORIS)] Search for this Iconclass notation

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    Prop. II, 30, 2, ll. 1-10.
    Teubner ed. has "in aere dorso"; "aera" is wrong: in aere means "in the air", "aloft" (Butler in Loeb ed.). It may be remotely possible to interpret 'aera' in "in aera" as a Greek acc. (of aer), but probably not.
    Teubner ed. has "Nec tibi si Persei"; 'si' is missing; it should be 'Nec tibi si Persei mouerit ala pedes'. Oddly enough the defective line will scan as a pentameter too.