Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Sanatio Amoris [30]


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Sanatio Amoris.translation
Matt. Osee.14. Ambros. Basil.
VEnite ad me omnes qui laboratis & onerati
estis, & ego reficiam vos: sanabo contritio-
nes vestras, diligam vos spontaneé, quia auersus
est furor meus à vobis. vnde irrepsit morbus, in-
de remedium intret, & per eadem sequatur vesti-
gia, vita mortem; tenebras lux; venenum serpen-
tis, antidotum veritatis. omnis igitur anima ac-
cedat ad Christum, quia omnia Christus est no-
bis: si vulnere, si morbo curari desideras, medi-
cus est: si febribus æstuas, fons est: si grauaris ini-
quitate, iustitia est: si auxilio indiges; virtus est: si
mortem times, vita est: si cœlum desideras, via
est: si tenebras fugis, lux est: si cibum quæris,
alimentum est: omnibus omnia factus est vt om-
nes lucrifaceret. Vnguentum optimum & suaue
est Amor summi boni, quo pestes mentis sanan-
tur, & cordis oculi illuminantur. translation

Qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas. Psal. 102. translation

Celle qui m'ayme et me possede
Treuue a ses maux tout le remede.

Cure de l'Amour.
Les maux d'Amour, dict on, ne sont sans recompanse,
Car si l'Amour les faict, l'Amour aussy les panse,
Sans qu' il soit si cruel que d'en laisser mourir.
Mais moy ie crois plustost, qu' il est tresueri table,
Qu' Amour s'il est parfaict, est vn mal incurable,
Et que le plus grand mal, est, d'en pouuoir guerir.

Los males de coraçon
Como son males de Amor
Amor los cura mejor.

Die my bemindt schouwt ongheual/
Die my besit die heuet al.

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The healing of love.
Come to me you all, who are struggling and are weighed down, and I will refresh you. I will heal your sufferings, I will love you freely, because my rage has left me. Let from where disease crawled in, remedy enter, and may it follow along the same track: life follow death, light follow darkness, the antidote of truth follow the serpent's poison. Let every soul therefore approach Christ, because Christ is all to us: if you wish to be healed of a wound, an illness, He is your doctor; if your are hot of fevers He is the fresh spring; if you are troubled by evil deeds, He is justice; if you need help, He is power; if you fear death, He is life; if you long for heaven, He is the way; If you are fleeing darkness, he is light; if you are looking for food, He is nourishment; He has become all to all so He may benefit all. Love of the highest good is the best ointment and it is sweet, through which the pests of the mind are healed, and the eyes of the heart receive light.
Who cures all your illnesses.

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