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Victoria Amoris [41]


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Victoria Amoris.translation
Hesiod.1 L. Iustin.
VAlida est vt mors, dilectio Dei: sicut mors
violenter separat animas à corpore, ita dile-
ctio violenter segregat hominem à mundano &
carnali Amore.
O Anima quæ vidisti in hoc libro tamquam
in Theatro; & in his tabellis tanquam in quibus-
dam scenis Amoris humani decursum: quæ con-
siderasti vilem eius ortum, priorem progressum,
& miserrimum exitum, quam laudabiliter certa-
men inis cum Amore diuino, vt de Amore huma-
no victoriam reportes. laboriosa est pugna: nemo
nisi qui magnanimitate præditus fuerit, ac diuina
charitate ignitus aduersa tollerandi, contra natu-
ram suam & inolitos mores audebit habere con-
gressum. qui verò talis est ardua aggredi non ti-
met, ardua sustinere non veretur; non minis, non
plagis, non opprobrijs, non tentationibus cedit.
Amore Dei quippe accensus nequit à cepto pro-
posito declinare; quæ retro sunt obliuiscens, in
anteriora se infatigabiliter se extendens; vires re-
staurat cum decertat, & eo fit robustior quo plus
exercetur. quid multa? quicumque huiusmodi de-
siderij igne fuerit comprehensus & suauitate ille-
ctus, insuperabilis est, & coronæ propinquus. Se-
curè igitur pergat ad pugnam; non tamen hoc so-
lo contentus sit, huic addat propositum perseue-
randi in eâdem, qua positus est, vocatione: facile
enim ruit, qui hoc perseuerantiæ desiderio non
fuerit præmunitus.translation

Cupidinis Victoria. translation

Iesus et l'ame d'un effort
Donnent a Cupidon la mort.

Victoire de l'Amour.
Ne vantéz plus de Cupidon volage,
Les arcs, les traicts, les dards, ny le courage,
Il n'est pas, non, comme on croit, immortel;
Car ces amants qu' vn diuin zele pousse,
Ont appendu ses arcs, ses traits, sa trousse,
Et sa despoüille au pied de leur autel.

Para vencer à Cupido
El alma y Amor de Dios
Se juntan ambos à dos.

Godt en de ziele ghesaemder handt/
Dooden Cupido t' sijnder schandt.

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Victory of love.
Strong as death is the love of God. Just like death violently severs souls from the body, so love violently separates man from worldly and carnal love. O soul, the things you have seen in this book as in a theater, also in these pictures, as it were in certain scenes, human life is traversed in what a laudable way you enter the fight together with divine love, so as to win a victory over human love. The battle is hard, only who is endowed with great character, and is fired by divine love to bear adversity will dare to have congress against his own nature and ingrained custom. But he who is indeed like that is not afraid of taking on hardship, of holding out under hardship. Neither to threats, nor to beatings, nor to abusive language, nor to temptations does he yield. After all, because he has received the fire of God's love he cannot deviate from the plan taken up. Forgetting what is behind him, indefatigably stretching himself out to what lies ahead he regains his strength when he fights to the death and becomes the more stronger, the more he is exercised. Need I say more? Whoever of whom the fire of this kind of desire has taken hold, and has been attracted by its sweetness, is invincible and near to the crown of victory. Let him go to the fight without worry. He ought not be content with this alone, let him add to this the plan to persevere in the same calling under which he has placed himself.
Cupid's victory

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    Sources and parallels

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    References, across this site, to this page:

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    Sacred love and the soul shaking hands through the bows they have on their arm; a cupid, hit in the chest by arrow, on the ground, dying

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    'Hesiod.': it is not clear what the marginal means here: obviously the text is *not* Hesiod's.