Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Antidotum Amoris [42]


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Antidotum Amoris.translation
ASpix momordit te; vis sanari? aspidem distil-
la: vnicum remedium ad abigendum, vene-
num eius, est oleum eius. Amor venereus, Amor
inordinatus vulnerauit te; vis sanari? Amoris es-
sentiam, maturâ consideratione distilla: optimum
remedium ad propellendas illecebras eius est co-
gnitio eius. eia agedum, quid est Amor? rationis
obliuio est. qualis est Amor? insaniæ proximus
est. quid est amare? insanire est. Qualis est Amans?
Amens est. translation

Carere Amantes mente si quis non putat,
Quos esse potius mentis expertes putet?
Quid deceat, non videt vllus Amans. translation

O Anima! ecce, Amor iste stultitia est; perpende
igitur, quomodo & quid ames; si mundum,
si inordinatè amaueris, fatua eris; si Deum Ama-
ueris, prudens eris. translation

Amor consumetur in stultitiâ. Iob. 36. translation

Icy veois tu mondain, que l'esprit et la vie
De ce follastre Amour, n'est rien qu' vne folie.

Contrepoison de l'Amour.
Le poison de l'aspic, fait la playe mortelle;
Le poison de l'Amour, rend la sienne immortelle;
Mais vn seul moyen peut alētir leur rigeur.
Le poison de l'aspic distillé, rend la vie;
Le poison de l'Amour (qui n'est qu' vne folie)
Sagement distillé enerue sa vigeur.

Esto tiene el necio Amor,
Que apurando su locura,
El mal que hizo, lo cura.

Liefde is fenijn/ wildijt ghenesen/
Distileert rijpelijck zijn wesen.

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Antidote of love.
A viper bit you. Do you want to be healed? Distill the viper: the only remedy to drive away its venom is its own oil. Physical love, chaotic love wounded you. Do you want to get better? Distill the essence of love by timely thought. The best remedy to drive off its enticements is knowledge of it. Come on, think! What is love? It is to be insane. What kind of person is the lover? He has lost his mind.
If someone does not think that lovers lose their minds,
Whom would he think to be lacking brains more than they do?
What is fitting, not one lover ever sees.

O soul! That sort of love is foolishness. Ponder therefore,
How you love and what you love. If it is of the world,
if you love inordinately, you will behave foolishly,
If you love God, you will be sensible.

Love will die in foolishness.

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