Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Sacrificium Amoris [69]


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Sacrificium Amoris.translation
Prou. 23. Thom. à Kemp.
FIli præbe mihi cor tuum. sicut ego me ipsum,
expansis in cruce manibus, & nudo corpore
pro peccatis tuis Deo Patri spontè obtuli, ita vt
nihil in me remaneret, quin totum in sacrificium
diuinæ placationis transiret: ita debes & tu cor
tuum, & temetipsum mihi voluntariè in oblatio-
nem puram & sanctam quotidie cum omnibus
vocibus & affectibus tuis quanto intimius voles,
offerre. quid magis à te requiro, quam vt cor tuum
studeas mihi ex integro resignare? quidquid præ-
ter te, & cor tuum das, nihil curo: quia non quæro
datum tuum, sed te. sicut non sufficeret tibi, om-
nibus habitis, præter me; ita nec mihi placere po-
terit, quidquid dederis, te & corde tuo non obla-
to. offer cor tuum mihi, & da te totum pro Deo,
& erit accepta oblatio. si autem in te ipso steteris,
nec spontè te ad voluntatem meam obtuleris, non
est plena oblatio, nec integra erit inter nos vnio.
igitur omnia opera tua præcedere debet sponta-
nea cordis & tui ipsius in manus Dei oblatio, si
libertatem consequi vis & gratiam. ideo enim
tam pauci illuminati, & liberi intus efficiuntur,
qui seipsos ex toto abnegare nesciunt; tu ergo si
optas meus esse discipulus, offer cor tuum, & teip-
sum mihi cum omnibus affectibus tuis. translation

Cor contritum et humiliatum Deus non despicies. translation

L'Amour est Dieu et son offrande
N'est que le coeur qu' il nous demande.

Sacrifice de l'Amour.
L'Amour en fin content de sa victoire,
Estant assis sur l'autel de sa gloire,
Pour reçeuoir des offres & des veux:
L'Ame qui est gagée à son seruice,
Son propre cœur luy donne en sacrifice,
Et le victime à l'ardeur de ses feux.

Los antojos del Amor
No hallan fruta de sazon
Si no la del coraçon.

Een banghich en vernedert hert'/
Van Godt niet wedersien en wert.

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Sacrifice of love.
My son, give me your heart. Just as I gave up myself of my own will to God the Father myself with outstretched arms and naked body on the cross for your sins, so that nothing remained in me to prevent the transition to a sacrifice of divine atonement, so you also, the more intimate you will want it to be, ought to present your heart and yourself voluntarily to me to a pure and sacred oblation with all what you say and what you feel daily. What more do I ask from you than that you strive to give up your heart to me wholly. All you give except you and your heart I do not care for, because I do not ask for your gift but for you. Just as it would not be enough for you, if you held all except me, so whatever you will give, it will not be possible to please me if you have not given up yourself and your heart. Give up your heart to me and give yourself totally before God, and the offering will be accepted. If, however, you take a stand within yourself and do not subject yourself to my will of you own accord, the oblation is not fully accomplished and the union between us will not be perfect. Therefore all your works ought to be preceded by the spontaneous offering of your heart and yourself into God's hands, if you want to attain freedom and grace. For because of this so few are enlightened and are made free within who do not know how to renounce themselves completely. Therefore, if you wish to be my disciple, offer your heart and yourself to me with all your affections.
A contrite and humble heart, God, You will not despise.

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