author Snoep, D.P.
main title Een 17de eeuws liedboek met tekeningen van Gerard ter Borch de Oude en Pieter en Roeland van Laer
short title Snoep, Een 17de eeuws liedboek
in Simiolus, 3/1968/2/77-134
note About a handwritten and illustrated songbook (1624) with one religious and 16 amatory scenes. It contains 'The Menniste Vrijage' from the Friesche Lusthof (1623, 2ed ed.) by J.J. Starter. The coloured drawings, made by Gerard ter Borch the Elder and Pieter and Roeland van Laar, are related to drawings by Avercamp and Jan van de Velde.

References to this book in the EPU editions, grouped by book: