Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608)

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Amor addocet artes [42]


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AMOR ADDOCET ARTES.translationtranslation
[No source given]
Ingeniosus Amor varias nos edocet artes;
Rebus nosque habiles omnibus ille facit,
Illius inuento concordant carmina neruis:
Molliaque Alcides pensa trahebat herae.

Loue is the schoolmaster of artes.
Cupid doth teach by note the louer well to sing,
As sometyme Hercules hee learned for to spinne,
All artes almoste that bee did first from loue beginne,
Loue makes the louer apt to euerie kynd of thing.

E maestro dell’ arti.
Insegna Amor la Musica al’ Amante;
Ad Hercole insegnò volger’ il fuso;
Affina i spirti nostri fuor del’ vso,
E rende accorto vn rozzo, & ignorante.

Liefde leert alles.
Cupido op de maet de minnaers wel leert singhen/
En Hercules vermaert hy ’t spinnen leeren kond/
Van alle consten eel Cupido d’oorsaeck vond.
De Liefde maeckt den mensch bequaem tot alle dinghen.

Amour bon maistre.
l’Amour monstre à l’Amant la musique gentile,
Comme il apprint jadis Hercules à filer,
Luy seul sçait par ses arts nostre esprit affiler,
Or que lourd & grossier, & le rendre docile.

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De liefde leert de kunsten.
Loves teaches arts.
De edele Amor leert ons verschillende kunsten en maakt ons bekwaam in allerlei dingen. Door zijn onderricht harmoniëren deliederen bij het snarenspel en Hercules spon de zachte wol van zijn meesteres.
Noble Amor teaches us several arts and makes us skillfull in all kinds of things. By his instruction the songs tune to the lyre and Hercules span the soft wool of his mistress.