Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608)

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Morbum nosse, curationis principium [89]


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[No source given]
Sanus Amor morbum nosse ægro suadet Amori,
Consulto & medico in tempore poscere opem.
Morbum quippe suum nosse est pars prima salutis,
Quem metuens, perijt, prodere creber amans.

Shewing causeth curing.
The paynfull wounded wight may boldly playn his grief,
And open lay his wound before his Surgions eyes,
So to thy louer shew where thy hartes dolor lyes,
The knowing the disease, is first cause of relief.

Mal celato non vien curato.
l’Infermo dee scuoprir senza paura
Al medico il suo male, e dee mostrare
Al’ amata il suo amor chi vuol sanare.
Per conoscer’ il mal, viensi à la cura.

Toonen doet helpen.
De gheen die is ghewondt magh stoutlick sonder vresen/
Ontdecken wel sijn wond’ den rechten medecijn:
Toont aen v Lief v wond’ wildy ghenesen zijn.
De sieckt’ te kennen is ’t beghin van het ghenesen.

Monstrer fait guerir.
Celuy qui est blessé, doibt sans peur sa blessure
Monstrer au medecin: fais à ta Dame voir
Ta playe, si tu veux guerison receuoir.
Par cognoistre le mal se commence la cure.

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De ziekte kennen is het begin van genezing.
To know the disease is the beginning of cure.
De gezonde Amor raadt de zieke Amor aan zijn ziekte te kennen, een arts te raadplegen en op het goede moment hulp te vragen. Immers zijn ziekte te kennen is het eerste deel van de genezing. Vaak is een minnaar die bang is de ziekte te melden, ten onder gegaan.
Healthy Amor advises ill Amor to know his disease, to consult a physician and ask help at the right time. For to know the disease is the first part of cure, often a lover who is afraid to tell it, has died.

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